Saturday, March 17, 2018

Global Warming, what is the real cause.

Global warming was first calculated in 1896 by Swedish physical chemist Syvante Arrhenius. In 1859 Irish physicist John Tyndall discovered some of the gases that held heat from escaping the atmosphere. Thus the chemical emissions of the industrial revolution were proved to be significant for the planet’s heat balance.

2009 Many expert warn that global warming is arriving at a faster and more dangerous pace than anticipated just a few years earlier.

2012 Controversial “attribution” studies find recent disastrous heat waves, droughts, extremes of precipitation, and floods were made by global warming.


Now that we understand what holds the heat in the earth’s atmosphere we need to take a closer look at what causes increase in temperatures besides the gases in the atmosphere.

The gases emitted by the industrial revolution is also the cause of increase temperature through operation, and population growth.

At the beginning of the discoveries of these gases; the worlds population 1859 was @ 1.171 billion. *

The estimated world population was @ 7.05 billion at end of 2012.

What effect does this have: The individual heat expended per hour by an individual is @ 100 watts or 705 trillion watts of radiant heat or 77,440.000,000 deg F’ enclosed heat.

The released heat in a average city is changing temperatures in areas more than 1,000 miles away (1609 Kilometers). It is warming parts of North America by about 1 degree Fahrenheit (.06 Celsius) and northern Asia by as much as 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit ( 1 degree Celsius), scientist report in the journal Nature Climate Change. The released heat (dubbed waste heat). It seems, is changing atmospheric circulation, including jet streams -- powerful narrow currents of wind that blow from west to east and north to south in the upper atmosphere. This impact on regional temperatures may explain a climate puzzle of sorts, why some areas are having warmer than predicted by climate models.

How A/C exchange interior-heat to exterior climate heat.

The normal operating temperature of a motor vehicle is between 200’ and 250’ deg. Fahrenheit. There are an @ 164 vehicles per 100 persons in the world or 1156.2 billion vehicles at 231.trillion to 289.05 trillion deg. s heating the earths atmosphere.

The increase in gases that retain heat in the atmosphere and the increase in the ambient surface temperature. There is no wonder that the climatic temperature increase correlates to the industrial revolution.

The Oklahoma tornado 14 miles long and ¼ to 2 miles wide will be a common occurrence due to the changes in climate, wind patterns. To prepare for the future plagued by tornadoes and hurricanes, the occupants are going to have to build safe rooms or underground shelters with disposable housing. Or build underground housing and garages along with schools and other structures able to withstand Force 3 or above winds.

The photos of areas affected by force wind storms show that the ground level below the intake funnel will survive with little or no damage; of course the building would have to be aerodynamically built to keep the winds from ripping off the roof.

Possible solution to Global Warming

For the first plan of changing the global warming. We will have to decrease the temperature of the overpopulation, and its produces housing, business, automobile. This can be done by mass producing economic electric cars. Generating billions of electric cars, trucks for every individual in the world. 1156.2 billion vehicles. Allowing a reduction of vehicle heat @ 231 trillion to 289.05 trillion deg. S.

The world needs to overcome it's inability to produce economic, low cost electric vehicle under cutting the worlds financial control of consumer purchases. And the need to cut heat generated by these vehicle is critical to the survival of present societies. The second step will be a need to control the worlds population and generation of the human concrete jungle; killing the earths ability to compensate to global changes in the environment

Using magnetic fields we may be able to pull the cooler temperatures (<-140') from the stratosphere, or troposphere.

The Vegetation Effect

The vegetation of earth does more the stop Global Warming then I gave credit to. The Photosynthesis of green leaves pulls in the sun's energy stopping the warming effect and cleans the air. With the human population growing; the woods are being chopped down to make room depleting this benefit of climate control, A very Big deal. We would need to turn the Sahara desert into a forest regional to have a dramatic Global Effect.

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