Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Thank you, Mr. President

US is Over $26,000,000,000,000 in Debt, Real Estate Bubble continues to grow at 21%, and Medical cost are Increasing at the same rate, thank you, Mr. President. Times are tough but the US is going to have to pull together to see our way out of this future depression.

Both Real Estate & Medical cost, mandatory expenses of every citizen in the US. can be taken care of by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), Price Increases can be regulated by General wage increase of the US worker. (2.5%)

You may say that isn’t fair, we shouldn’t be regulated, but if you want US to survive as a Union. You will have to think what is fair. The common good of every citizen or the great wealth of a few.

.The US has elected, Donald Trump, as President, a Real Estate Tycoon, Who has doubled the National Debt, giving half of the US income away in business tax cuts.

Doubled the COVID deaths by premature opening of US economy.

Double the deaths and physical damage by natural disasters due to Global Warming.

Increased demonstrations by not demanding change about law enforcement's excessive lethal force on black (any) people, killing more everyday

Cut spending of the CDC, only to triple it, walked out of Paris Agreement and now threatens to walk out of the World Health Organization instead of just decreasing the US support.

He has Insulted almost every Allied Country in the World and complimented almost every Adversarial Country to the US & Allied forces. That doesn’t make US great again, it makes US stupid.


1. Built a wall that protect people from crossing the desert.
2. Stood up to China criminal take over of the West Pacific & Global economy.
3. Stood up against criminal Rioting.
4. Vetted terrorist's coming into the US
5. Lied to himself and every other American in the US.   

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