Saturday, April 10, 2021

Collapse of Capitalism

US is Over $26,000,000,000,000 in Debt, Real Estate Bubble continues to grow at 21%, and Medical cost are Increasing at the same rate. Times are tough but the US is going to have to pull together to see our way out of this future depression.

Both Real Estate & Medical cost, mandatory expenses of every citizen in the US. can be taken care of by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), Specifically, Sherman Anti-trust Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, Clayton Act, and the Robinson-Patman Act, or local State Government similar Acts. Price Increases can be regulated by General wage increase of the US worker. (2.5%). Renters of housing and apartments have a guaranteed increase of 5% a year.

The reason I write this is because, the people that are going to be affected. The @ 15% or $10.10 minimum wage earners and @ 20 to 25 % - $14.35 earners and 58.6 % of the total hourly rate earners will lose 2% purchasing power for American businesses. This has been going own for decades. This power would supports billions of dollars of US business production & profits. Because workers won’t be able to purchase the new cars, appliances, new clothes, or dinners and services, etc… at local restaurant and businesses.

You may say that isn’t fair, we shouldn’t be regulated, but if you want US to survive & the Capitalistic system to survive; you have have to level the earnings of every worker. You will have to think what is fair. The common good of every citizen or the great wealth of a few.

Profits by US businesses is not without limits and those limits are the consumer public. Destroy their ability to buy products; there will be no support for new industries.

The US can regulate the interest rates of the banking firms to produce a higher housing rate among the US public; so why can’t we regulate the increase price of personal & rental property. There isn’t a day when I don’t see an advertisement of becoming  a land owner and make easy, life long income. The bubble has formed and the economy can’t sustain this imbalance of income; allowing some to get rich off of this imbalance. This imbalance has increased the need for subsidy programs; which has help cause a greater national debt. You as an individual need to recognize the seriousness of this imbalance.


The US has elected, Donald Trump, as President, a Real Estate Tycoon, Who has doubled the National Debt, giving half of the US income away in business tax cuts.


The 2% Gross Tax suggested by Senator Elizabeth Warren will help meet the demands needed to pay off The US National Debt.

Senator Warren suggest the tax should be used to pay for free schooling. But I point out that schooling is already given freely or at a very reduced rate. Free schooling exist in elementary & high schools. The Community Colleges across America are ten times less than at private schools and are funded by Grants & Pell Grants for low income students.

The United States used to be paid the highest level of labor wage in the World and all others were considered to be Third World wage earners. Now The United States is the Fifth highest paid labor force in the World.


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