Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Slavery and the Freedom of Speech

Slavery in the United States of America

Slavery did not start in America. Slavery ended in America. The African people were slaves of their own people for two thousand years before they began to be sold in America. The freedom of the heartland resounded in the minds of great Americans; until they could stand it no longer and had to take action. Some of the proud white American people stood together to end slavery and others stood with them to end the atrocity of slavery (ownership of another human being. Slavery still goes on as women, children and men are forced to do labor against their will.

US was built by the governing white race for all People and defended by the supreme white race of that time.  (These truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal against aristocratic / blue blood rule: viva La France)

We stop white supremacists take over in the Civil War, and WWII, and we will keep defending God of Nature and our constitution's freedom of all races and peaceful religions.with the help of other races and religions.

Freedom of Speech is not Unlimited

The freedom of speech of the 1st Amendment is not without limits or exceptions.

Restrictions that are based on people’s reaction to words include both instances of a complete exception, and cases of diminished protection. Speech that involves incitement to violence, false statements of fact, obscenity, child pornography, threats, are all completely exempt from the First Amendment protections, and speech owned by others has diminished protection for business use.

War on Drugs should be War on Violence.

War on Violence - Crime is the hostile fast track of opportunity Violence perpetrated by the need to survive in the best accommodations society has to offer.

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