Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Social Disability - Overpopulation Kills and causes Pain & Suffering,

The World and the United States of America, is suffering from the Capitalistic Principle of Supply & Demand -Competition of  Commerce; but it isn’t competitiveness, but survival. The measure of supply and demand, mass amount of workers in relationship to the amount of jobs,

Social Disability on the work force is dramatized in the Global unemployable workforce due to overpopulation and the inventiveness of labor saving machines such as computers and robotic machines.

Examples of these are: secretarial pools that made copies of all written correspondence - replaced by Xerox machines and operator assisted calls - replaced by mechanical switch boards, now both replaced by computers. Mostly female appointed positions, that has flooded the male dominated work force. Welders & painters of automobiles have been replaced by robotic machine as this type of labor is being replaced at every opportunity.

The ever growing population of  college graduates, is shown to be ineffective. The new average income in the job market for college graduates increased to 1970 then began to decrease per inflation comparison; until today we are at the 1960 level of income for college students.. (

The job market is being flooded with college graduates for high school equaling jobs. Jobs such as mangers, assistant managers that were trained on the job at the elementary school level in 1960, are being filled by college level employees; further dramatizing the competition to survive and using education cost and age gape to do it. One positive note is that family life starts at a later time with the age gape, or explodes with increase number of offspring.

The capital gains is the accumulation of the richest people using the public labor to build and consume their products with gains in quality and inventiveness, as labor was replace by machines. Profits and productivity went up as did the unemployment rate. But profits are pocketed by the business owners with an unfair increase in comparable wages for the work force.

This new disability is having an effect on disability retirement as the struggle to survive becomes more intense; the everyday pressures are felt by the employees causing early retirements (>50); through mental, physical and emotional trauma. Those traumas can lead to mental illness, cause some fits of rage that lead to murder and suicide.


Overpopulation of the workforce in the U.S.

Number of Pop. in the US 2012: USA Quick facts from the US Census Bureau (CB)
Census Bureau:    313,914040
People under 18:     94,802,040

Number of jobs in the US May/2013 surveyed: US employment and jobs / department of numbers. surveyors: E - employer / P - Private
CES              employer:     135,637,000
CPS & CES households:    143,898,000

Number of people receiving government benefits: Monthly Statistical Snapshot, May 2013: unemployment benefits (UB)

Social Security 54,265,000
SSI:                    5,522,000
SS & SSI:           2,789,000
UB:                    5,827,210
Total:               93,504,210

Number of adults incarcerated in US federal & state prisons, and county jails at the end of 2011: u.s. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Total:                2,266,800

CB:                   313,914,040
CPS & CES    - 143,898,000
SS, SSI & UB -   62,576,000
Total:                 107,438,040
BJS        -              2,266,800
P<18        -          94,802,040
                           10,369.200 - Number of people >18 without benefits or possible employment.

                               633,782 - reported as homeless in shelters (62%) or living w/ family or friends (38%)
                                 71,619 - patient in a state mental institute

That leaves:         9,663,799 - undocumented US citizens. (possible new crime stats)    .
                        + 11,100,000 - illegal immigrants (ex: of global economy)

Human Equivalent of Environmental Impact.

Comment by Simon Ross, chief executive of Population Matters.. “ In a planet that is not getting any bigger, people should not be having more than two children. If we are serious about sustainability, and our country’s quality of life.”

The government needs to send out the message of population control (birth control). “That two will do, one is better.” Taxation deductions should stop for number of children. They are not a right off; they are a responsibility.

Human Reproduction is dedicated to the extermination of all life around it; starting with the home, ecological impact of phototropic land area. We must remember the balance of Nature and the truths that are self evident.

Comment by Dr. Jack Vallentyne, Canadian ecologist, introduced a concept he called the  “Demotechnic index”: the ratio of all technological energy a person uses in a day over the average amount of energy the person gets from food.  Author Paul Chefurka has taken the liberty to rename that index to Thermodynamic Footprint (TF), Carbon Footprint and the Ecological Footprint. The TF ratio is the amount of power a person gets from the food they eat, to make it easier a standard value of 125 watts is used, so if that person used no additional energy their TF would be exactly 1. Calculation (0 + 125) / 125 = 1 HE or Human Equivalent of environmental impact. So if a person uses 1125 watts of additional energy - (1125 + 125) / 125 = 1250 or 10 HE. This approach is that all energy use creates an environmental or ecological impact.

The Earth's insulation has increased with co2 increase as the generating heat production of our vehicles and buildings by Trillions of degs. heat causing global warming with the increase of global population of 8 billion people, 1 billion normal before the industrial age. Compounded by co2 emissions dramatically effects climate change. Advances in climate control have help reduce the overall temperature but erratic changes are still taking place climate control advances are coming slowly, Remember that climate control has a point of no return without drastic change.

Food supply for America and the World.

From Ohio to Montana, thousands of miles of farm land. Like the farm land in Maryland that was and is being sold to build new houses. If this continues, like Maryland that has to rely on other states for its food supply. The United States is going to have to rely on other countries for its food supply. Then gas & employment will no longer be the major problems.

Ignoring the Warning Signs, Will Cause Death.

If the human population of the United States & the World ignore these warning signs ; the end results will be mass unemployment, starvation, unsafe living condition by medical standards, and extermination on a massive scale.

Where the general population will be living a life with little purpose, and surviving on handouts from the rest of the world’s income and resources; massive slow results will be common result. This has been shown as the millions of people spill over the American and European borders. Suicides are on an increase due to the feelings of hopelessness.

Mass hysteria could ensue for survival in the job, food, and sheltered economy. Individuals that feel at a loss in today’s economy could strike out in retaliation. Dictators, such as in the Middle East, have already shown that they are ready to exterminate the general public on a massive scale.
The world’s governments needs to send out the message of population control (birth control). “That two will do, one is better.” Until the level of population reaches the point of every individual becoming a self-sufficient useful member of that society.

I know this is a lot to ask and that it will take years, if not decades to implement. But the alternative is death & suffering. A good example is the Chinese Community where the population has gone from 12% to less then 5% increase in the last 20 years.

The alternative would be to create a venereal disease that makes people infertile. Aids epidemic has shown by nature that it could be created and launched in a third world nation such as Africa. It would spread to all nations in a short time and the results would be dramatic; much of the abortions would not be needed. I am sure, I am not the first person to have thought of this or prayed for a better way then suffering & death, so to your (Creator’s ear) careful consideration should be used at this time; people don’t have to die to accomplish the purpose of disease.


What are the Reasons for Overpopulation

In some minorities it is thought that a larger population will produce a majority in numbers. Communities that I have heard such statements are Blacks, Christians, Poor and Rich - immortality / longevity of a family tree; basically all communities.

The all consuming purpose of life to reproduce both naturally and socially instilled by nature & society. The teaching that the creation of life give you an edge of superiority in the markets of life and spirituality; and it has formed bonds between others that give added protection for the family unit. There is nothing we won’t do for our children; even to the point of killing. Even if the killing is much later and far removed from the child is in the womb.

Human death is guaranteed increase by present scientific expectation of population growth.

The struggle to survive and mental trauma will only become more powerful
as the population increases.

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