Sunday, February 19, 2017

Obama-Care didn’t fail, You failed Obama-Care

If everyone in America is contributing to health care and we the public can not pay for health care then there is no better option. We have to realize that health care is too, expensive! No other, if, ands, or buts about it.

I am a 59 yr old adult, disabled, and have not had any problem with my Medicare or Medicaid coverage. I have high blood pressure and the medication is only a few dollars for a prescription. I have had treatment for Hepatitis C which cured this ailment. The doctor told me, it cost $40,000 for the year’s treatment, my cost was under $100.00. I have had an operation for varicose vein in my scrotum and paid less then $100.00, which has given me discomfort since I was 18. The doctor at that time said it would cost $20,000 at the age of 28 and insurance would not pay for it because it was a preexisting condition.

I don’t see were everyone is having difficulty getting affordable medical treatment. It would seem that protection from Doctor’s not excepting Medicare patients or charge overpriced cost (Price Fixing); would be handled by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Specifically, Sherman Anti-trust Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, Clayton Act, and the Robinson-Patman Act. For over 100 years, the anti-trust laws have had the same basic objective, to protect the process of competition for the benefit of consumers, making sure there are strong incentives for businesses to operate efficiently, keep prices down, and keep quality up. (2018 Affordable Care Act)

The spectrum of high cost of medical care becomes detrimental to the public when the cost is unaffordable by a large part of the American Public. and the aid of the FTC is needed to bring legal action to see that this doesn’t happen. Legal action against Doctors, Hospitals, Medical Equipment, Etc. that causes this harm, due to the desire of higher income beyond the life, welfare of the consumer public.

Fireman, Police Officers & Military Personnel are not unaffordable to the public and touch the lives of every American. All are paid under $100,000 and risk their lives everyday. The purpose of Sherman Act is not to protect competitors from harm from legitimately successful business, nor to prevent businesses from gaining honest profits from consumers, rather to preserve competitive marketplace and to protect consumers from abuses.

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