Southern Border is an Over-population Problem
Where the general population will be living a life with little purpose, and surviving on handouts from the rest of the world’s income and resources; massive slow results will be common as they are now. This has been shown as the millions of people spill over the American (Mexico) and European (Syria) borders.
The World and the United States of America, is suffering from the Capitalistic Principle of Supply & Demand -Competition of Commerce; but it isn’t competitiveness, but survival as people die from a lack of resources and health care. People die physically and mentally from inequality of pay and compensation due to the manipulation of needed resources.
Human Equivalent of Environmental Impact.
Comment by Simon Ross, chief executive of Population Matters.. “ In a planet that is not getting any bigger, people should not be having more than two children. If we are serious about sustainability, and our country’s quality of life.”; minimum wage must increase to afford the needs expected of the individual.
The government needs to send out the message of population control (birth control). “It is possible to live in Peace.” Mahatma Gandhi. It is possible to live in balance with God, Nature’s Soul.
Human Reproduction is dedicated to the extermination of all life around it; starting with the home, ecological impact of phototropic land area. We must remember the balance of Nature and the truths that are self evident.
Comment by Dr. Jack Vallentyne, Canadian ecologist, introduced a concept he called the “Demotechnic index”: the ratio of all technological energy a person uses in a day over the average amount of energy the person gets from food. Author Paul Chefurka has taken the liberty to rename that index to Thermodynamic Footprint (TF), Carbon Footprint and the Ecological Footprint. The TF ratio is the amount of power a person gets from the food they eat, to make it easier a standard value of 125 watts is used, so if that person used no additional energy their TF would be exactly 1. Calculation (0 + 125) / 125 = 1 HE or Human Equivalent of environmental impact. So if a person uses 1125 watts of additional energy - (1125 + 125) / 125 = 1250 or 10 HE. This approach is that all energy use creates an environmental or ecological impact "of heat energy causing a rise in temperature")
The Earth's insulation has increased with co2 increase and the generating heat production of our vehicles and buildings by Trillions of degs. heat that is causing global warming with the increase of global population of 8 billion people, 1 billion normal before the industrial age (19th century). Compounded by co2 emissions dramatically effects climate change. Advances in climate control have help reduce the overall increase temperature but erratic changes are still taking place climate control advances are coming slowly, (ex. LED Street & parking lamps, saving thousands of ambient heat,)
Food supply for America and the World.
From Ohio to Montana, thousands of miles of farm land. Like the farm land in Maryland is being sold to build new houses; due to population increase and the need for renewed income. Climate change and Earth's compensation to maintain a balance with the transfer of heat and the cooler temperatures of the stratosphere & troposphere causes massive flooding & hurricane destruction of our land areas. If this continues, like Maryland that will have to rely on other states for its food supply and diversity.
Ignoring the Warning Signs, Will Cause Death.
If the human population of the United States & the World ignore these warning signs ; the end results will be increase starvation, unsafe living condition by medical standards, and exterminations on a massive scale.
Mass hysteria could ensue for survival in the job, food, and sheltered economy. Individuals that feel at a loss in today’s economy strike out in retaliation. Dictators, such as in the Middle East, have already shown that they are ready to exterminate the general public on a massive scale.
I know this is a lot to ask and that it will take years, if not decades to implement. But the alternative is death & suffering. A good example is the Chinese Community where the population has gone from 12% to less then 5% increase in the last 20 years.
What are the Reasons for Overpopulation
In some minorities it is thought that a larger population will produce a majority in numbers. Communities that I have heard such statements are Blacks, Christians, Poor and Rich - immortality / longevity of a family tree; basically all communities.
The all consuming purpose of life to reproduce both naturally and socially instilled by nature & society. The teaching that the creation of life give you an edge of superiority in the markets of life and spirituality; and it has formed bonds between others that give added protection for the family unit. There is nothing we won’t do for our children; even to the point of killing. Even if the killing is much later and far removed from the child is in the womb.
Human death is guaranteed increase expectation of population growth.
Pro-life is actually Pro-human life since the increase of population assure the elimination of a large part of nature's (God's) other creations and the loss of Paradise. The struggle to survive and mental trauma will only become more powerful as the population increases.
War on Drugs
The war on drugs is still going on to the point of adding Fentanyl to Heron in countries that supply heron to the US. The broad reach of heron overdoses could only be accomplished by major suppliers.
The World and the United States of America, is suffering from the Capitalistic Principle of Supply & Demand -Competition of Commerce; but it isn’t competitiveness, but survival as people die from a lack of resources and health care. People die physically and mentally from inequality of pay and compensation due to the manipulation of needed resources.
Human Equivalent of Environmental Impact.
Comment by Simon Ross, chief executive of Population Matters.. “ In a planet that is not getting any bigger, people should not be having more than two children. If we are serious about sustainability, and our country’s quality of life.”; minimum wage must increase to afford the needs expected of the individual.
The government needs to send out the message of population control (birth control). “It is possible to live in Peace.” Mahatma Gandhi. It is possible to live in balance with God, Nature’s Soul.
Human Reproduction is dedicated to the extermination of all life around it; starting with the home, ecological impact of phototropic land area. We must remember the balance of Nature and the truths that are self evident.
Comment by Dr. Jack Vallentyne, Canadian ecologist, introduced a concept he called the “Demotechnic index”: the ratio of all technological energy a person uses in a day over the average amount of energy the person gets from food. Author Paul Chefurka has taken the liberty to rename that index to Thermodynamic Footprint (TF), Carbon Footprint and the Ecological Footprint. The TF ratio is the amount of power a person gets from the food they eat, to make it easier a standard value of 125 watts is used, so if that person used no additional energy their TF would be exactly 1. Calculation (0 + 125) / 125 = 1 HE or Human Equivalent of environmental impact. So if a person uses 1125 watts of additional energy - (1125 + 125) / 125 = 1250 or 10 HE. This approach is that all energy use creates an environmental or ecological impact "of heat energy causing a rise in temperature")
The Earth's insulation has increased with co2 increase and the generating heat production of our vehicles and buildings by Trillions of degs. heat that is causing global warming with the increase of global population of 8 billion people, 1 billion normal before the industrial age (19th century). Compounded by co2 emissions dramatically effects climate change. Advances in climate control have help reduce the overall increase temperature but erratic changes are still taking place climate control advances are coming slowly, (ex. LED Street & parking lamps, saving thousands of ambient heat,)
Food supply for America and the World.
From Ohio to Montana, thousands of miles of farm land. Like the farm land in Maryland is being sold to build new houses; due to population increase and the need for renewed income. Climate change and Earth's compensation to maintain a balance with the transfer of heat and the cooler temperatures of the stratosphere & troposphere causes massive flooding & hurricane destruction of our land areas. If this continues, like Maryland that will have to rely on other states for its food supply and diversity.
Ignoring the Warning Signs, Will Cause Death.
If the human population of the United States & the World ignore these warning signs ; the end results will be increase starvation, unsafe living condition by medical standards, and exterminations on a massive scale.
Mass hysteria could ensue for survival in the job, food, and sheltered economy. Individuals that feel at a loss in today’s economy strike out in retaliation. Dictators, such as in the Middle East, have already shown that they are ready to exterminate the general public on a massive scale.
I know this is a lot to ask and that it will take years, if not decades to implement. But the alternative is death & suffering. A good example is the Chinese Community where the population has gone from 12% to less then 5% increase in the last 20 years.
What are the Reasons for Overpopulation
In some minorities it is thought that a larger population will produce a majority in numbers. Communities that I have heard such statements are Blacks, Christians, Poor and Rich - immortality / longevity of a family tree; basically all communities.
The all consuming purpose of life to reproduce both naturally and socially instilled by nature & society. The teaching that the creation of life give you an edge of superiority in the markets of life and spirituality; and it has formed bonds between others that give added protection for the family unit. There is nothing we won’t do for our children; even to the point of killing. Even if the killing is much later and far removed from the child is in the womb.
Human death is guaranteed increase expectation of population growth.
Pro-life is actually Pro-human life since the increase of population assure the elimination of a large part of nature's (God's) other creations and the loss of Paradise. The struggle to survive and mental trauma will only become more powerful as the population increases.
War on Drugs
The war on drugs is still going on to the point of adding Fentanyl to Heron in countries that supply heron to the US. The broad reach of heron overdoses could only be accomplished by major suppliers.
Resurrection of the Truth
Happy Resurrection of the Truth. John 14:6 ~.
All the creatures of God. Mankind's over-population is destroying God's creation as we grow beyond Earth limit for mortal growth.
John the Baptist didn't ask all those that asked for God's forgiveness, if they believe in Jesus. He just asked if they wished for God's forgiveness. then baptized them with water, cleansing their souls of all past offenses of regret.
Jesus asked for redemption for his offenses; like any other person. Showing that he himself had transgressions of regret; living a life equal to all people.
For those that have blind faith, let me cleanse the blindness from your mind. Is the world still flat and the earth, the center of the Universe. Are human being slaves of a master race or is Jesus the master of forgiveness. Each year, the Truth is Resurrected and our knowledge of the truth increases, So the Resurrection of Christ as the symbol of the resurrection of Truth.
I hope the celebration of Jesus resurrection; follow his instruction of salvation. John 14: ~ I am the Way, Truth, Life & To Reach God. I follow the truth to life and God,
Thank you, Saint Francis of Aussie, my patron saint, I believe, I know now, why you had to take the vow of silence. Sorry you had to feel the pain of the Stigmata.
I considered not writing this. allowing this transgression to go on. I waited a few days, weeks until a deeper understanding and mental awareness set in guiding my thoughts to an understanding of regret. Time gave new thoughts and a solution / resolution emerged. A deeper understanding of the Apostle Thomas's experiences and Apostle Paul's writings.
I pass on my discoveries in hopes that a peaceful solution would take hold. That the God of Nature would be understood. And peace, love, forgiveness is a universal right of all God's creation and shall never be limited to a people, or religion but to all of creation in this cycle of life, written through history in the Chronicles of time. M=EC2, Einstein; The Intelligent will survive, Darwin. and tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God.
Please think about over-population which may be the greatest cause of our greatest problems.
Jews were the chosen people/ then Jesus said, all mankind are the chosen people/ then Christians said, Christians are the chosen people/ then Islam said, Islams are the chosen people/ There is a pattern here. All three are warrior religions, with humanoids fighting a eternal war that Jesus sacrificed his life to End.
There is no requirement for forgiveness or guidance, it is free and always has been. Like the truth; you only have to admit to it to be on the right path,
Other religions show the harmony of life; like Tao harmony of yin and yang. The non-violent eternal cycle of life, not the war of men. I think this is what Jesus was trying to portray in sermons I will never hear.
All life is the chosen to Evolve to better state of being. Forgiveness is earned by just wanting it and willing to do what it takes to earn it. Nature's Soul / God, only has to be asked and you will receive help towards forgiveness / regret / persecution. Meditation / time to think will give you a higher state of understanding.
Thank you for reading my letters.
I have written:
Socialism, shows U.S. Ignorance.
Slavery didn't start in America; It Ended in America
"I am white and I’m Proud, “All men are created equal.”
Some show Hitler, I raise a Eisenhower, Washington, Lincoln, Franklin.
Please Stop, insulting my race."o
US - Real Estate bubble is still growing !!!~
Global Warming, what is the real cause.
The Minimum Wage builds poverty in the U.S, Consumer Based Economy
All the creatures of God. Mankind's over-population is destroying God's creation as we grow beyond Earth limit for mortal growth.
John the Baptist didn't ask all those that asked for God's forgiveness, if they believe in Jesus. He just asked if they wished for God's forgiveness. then baptized them with water, cleansing their souls of all past offenses of regret.
Jesus asked for redemption for his offenses; like any other person. Showing that he himself had transgressions of regret; living a life equal to all people.
For those that have blind faith, let me cleanse the blindness from your mind. Is the world still flat and the earth, the center of the Universe. Are human being slaves of a master race or is Jesus the master of forgiveness. Each year, the Truth is Resurrected and our knowledge of the truth increases, So the Resurrection of Christ as the symbol of the resurrection of Truth.
I hope the celebration of Jesus resurrection; follow his instruction of salvation. John 14: ~ I am the Way, Truth, Life & To Reach God. I follow the truth to life and God,
Thank you, Saint Francis of Aussie, my patron saint, I believe, I know now, why you had to take the vow of silence. Sorry you had to feel the pain of the Stigmata.
I considered not writing this. allowing this transgression to go on. I waited a few days, weeks until a deeper understanding and mental awareness set in guiding my thoughts to an understanding of regret. Time gave new thoughts and a solution / resolution emerged. A deeper understanding of the Apostle Thomas's experiences and Apostle Paul's writings.
I pass on my discoveries in hopes that a peaceful solution would take hold. That the God of Nature would be understood. And peace, love, forgiveness is a universal right of all God's creation and shall never be limited to a people, or religion but to all of creation in this cycle of life, written through history in the Chronicles of time. M=EC2, Einstein; The Intelligent will survive, Darwin. and tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God.
Please think about over-population which may be the greatest cause of our greatest problems.
There is no requirement for forgiveness or guidance, it is free and always has been. Like the truth; you only have to admit to it to be on the right path,
Other religions show the harmony of life; like Tao harmony of yin and yang. The non-violent eternal cycle of life, not the war of men. I think this is what Jesus was trying to portray in sermons I will never hear.
All life is the chosen to Evolve to better state of being. Forgiveness is earned by just wanting it and willing to do what it takes to earn it. Nature's Soul / God, only has to be asked and you will receive help towards forgiveness / regret / persecution. Meditation / time to think will give you a higher state of understanding.
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